COVID Toes: The Latest Symptom of the Coronavirus


The longer the novel coronavirus spreads, the more unexpected symptoms begin to appear. For example, eye doctors have indicated that pink eye may be a sporadic symptom of the COVID virus, and a loss of smell and taste can occur in patients who have no other symptoms. Recently, another symptom potentially linked to Coronavirus has emerged. Referred to as "COVID toes", the condition can appear as purple abrasions on the hands or feet. Today Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX panhandle are sharing some information regarding this condition.

What are COVID toes?

The condition typically begins with purple or red discoloration on the hands or feet. The area may also become raised or develop ulcers. People who have this condition may also experience hot, burning, or itchy skin.

While other skin conditions have appeared in patients who tested positive for COVID-19, this one seems to be specific to the COVID virus. 

What causes COVID toes?

The research has just begun, but experts already have some ideas about what is causing the condition. One theory is that there's simply a substantial amount of inflammation caused by the virus. This condition resembles pernio, which is caused by extended exposure to cold temperatures that causes inflammation and shows up as skin bumps or sores.

The other theory is that the symptom is caused by blood vessel clots, which can occur in patients who have the COVID virus.

What is the treatment for COVID toes?

In patients who aren't exhibiting a lot of other symptoms, this condition tends to resolve on its own, so there's not one specific treatment.

If you notice any discoloration on your feet or exhibit any other symptoms of COVID toes, contact the office of Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX panhandle to determine if you might need to be tested for COVID-19.

Stay home and stay safe!