5 Fun Holiday Foot-Themed Practices Around the World

Families worldwide follow all kinds of traditions that they maintain and treasure when the holiday season comes. Some countries put up a fresh-smelling evergreen tree and embellish it with ornaments that have sentimental meaning for their families. Some others prepare Yule logs with Christmas music playing in the background. Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX panhandle enjoy both the holidays and all things related to podiatry. So today they’re sharing how people throughout 5 countries of the world celebrate the holiday season with their feet, shoes, and stockings!

1. Netherlands: The children in the Netherlands prepare for the arrival of St. Nicholas with anticipation by putting carrots and hay for his horse in their wooden shoes. The following morning, they hope to find their shoes filled with candy and toys for their kind offerings.

2. Spain: Just as children throughout the rest of the world, children in Spain will leave their shoes out in the open in the hopes of receiving treats and gifts. The difference is that they place them out beside the fireplace, balcony, or door on January 6, which is recognized as the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. The shoes are then filled with hay for the camels of the Wise Men and in exchange for the kind gesture, their shoes are filled with toys and some candy!

3. Venezuela: When attending church to celebrate the holiday in Venezuela, be sure you blend in with others by wearing your roller skates! This is a holiday tradition in Venezuela, and to make skating to church easy and super enjoyable, the streets are closed off.

4. United Kingdom: Similar to what we do here in our country, families in the United Kingdom hang stockings on their mantles or from their beds in preparation for Old Saint Nick’s visit. This is because they want to attempt to catch the coins that Father Christmas drops down the chimney each year. Residents there will wake up in the morning to stockings that are overflowing with tangerines or oranges, which represent bags of gold or coins.

5. United States: You may not realize it, but here in the U.S. we also have a few foot-related holiday traditions. While families throughout the country hang stockings and put out cookies and milk for Santa, many others celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 6. And like in many other countries, children place their shoes by the window or fireplace so Saint Nick can leave a few goodies for the owners of the shoes.

Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX panhandle would love to hear about some of your holiday traditions. Please share them in the comments below.

And if you’re having any issues with your feet, contact us today at (806) 322-3338 to schedule a consultation.