Beware of Slippery Weather Conditions


If you’ve ever slipped on a wet surface, you know it can be a frightening experience, knowing it can lead to a foot or ankle injury. And without proper footwear, fractures and sprains are among the most common injuries we see. Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX panhandle are sharing tips today to help you prevent the need for an unnecessary trip to your podiatrist.

  • Choose your footwear wisely. Most surfaces become quite slippery after rain. If you’re going out, wear supportive footwear that provides good traction. Make sure your feet stay dry and warm by choosing socks made of a breathable fabric. Many people don’t realize that fungal toenails still pose a risk even during the colder winter season.

  • Show some support. Whether you choose ankle braces, orthotics, or other devices that provide support, wearing them is the best way to avoid ankle sprains. We recommend that our patients avoid footwear that lacks support, including high heeled shoes. And remember that we’re here to answer any questions you may have about your current shoe selection.

  • Keep a close eye on the weather. If the temperatures have dropped below freezing, keep in mind that a few hours of above-freezing temperatures can make a big difference with slippery surfaces. If you do have to go out, use salt, kitty litter, or other anti-icing products to pretreat the areas around your home so you can walk safely.

As you navigate this winter season, we want you to choose your footwear wisely and keep an eye on the weather to lower your risk of ankle fractures and sprains.

Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX panhandle treat a variety of conditions such as arch and heel pain, bunions, wound care, hammertoes, ingrown nails, ankle and foot injuries and diabetic foot care. If you have these or other issues with your feet

contact us today at (806) 322-3338 to schedule a consultation.