Eat Right to Keep Your Feet Right

When it comes to your diet, you probably think about your blood pressure or weight. But did you know that poor eating habits can have a direct impact on foot health? March is National Nutrition Month, and today  Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in Amarillo, TX, share information and tips on how eating right benefits the entire body, including your feet. Remember, what you eat, can affect your feet, both left and right.

A few simple alterations to your diet can help relieve or prevent these 4 painful and even incapacitating foot conditions:

1. Osteoporosis: Reduced calcium intake or absorption can lead to a reduction in bone density, leaving them at risk for fractures. Ongoing bone loss can occur for several years before it becomes apparent, and at that point, it is a serious problem. This condition is common among some women, as hormonal shifts diminish their ability to absorb and process minerals and vitamins.


2. DiabetesThis disease affects circulation by injuring the arteries in your feet and is worsened by high blood sugar levels. Diminished circulation can cause additional damage to nerves, blood vessels, and arteries. But when it comes to blood sugar, it isn’t just about the obvious sweets, such as candy. Sugar is also present in the not-so-obvious food choices such as pasta, cereal, bread, certain vegetables, and fruits. For example, dates, fruit juices, and bananas should be limited if you are diabetic.


3. Inflammation: Foods can trigger inflammation in ligaments, joints, and tendons. And because feet contain so many of these anatomical components, conditions like arthritis may be aggravated, leading to other issues. 

Inflammation of the plantar fascia - known as plantar fasciitis - is especially painful. This thick band of tissue runs along the base of the foot and supports the muscles and the arch. Issues in this area aren’t simply uncomfortable – they can cause severe mobility issues. Saturated fat and refined sugar are the main offenders here. Sweets, snacks such as potato chips, red meat, some bread, and baked goods, for example, cookies all have ingredients that may create inflammation in the body.

4. Obesity: We know the wrong food choices lead to weight gain. Excess weight affects your feet and, stresses the digestive system and heart as they process unhealthy food. Additional pressure on your feet caused by excess weight will exacerbate painful conditions such as bunions or hammertoes and can even lead to plantar fasciitis.

Make Healthier Choices

Fortunately, there are numerous, delicious and healthy ways of improving your eating habits. The options suggested below offer minerals such as calcium, and vitamins including vitamin D to offset osteoporosis, help to steady blood sugar levels for diabetics, and reduce inflammation. They also offer vital protein, without excess fat and calories, which helps maintain energy and a healthy weight.   

Some healthy food suggestions for healthy feet include:

  • Turkey and chicken

  • Almonds, chia seeds, lentils, beans, and walnuts

  • Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, watercress, and broccoli

  • Salmon, mackerel, and sardines

  • Blackberries, cherries, and blueberries.

If you’re experiencing any of these 4 conditions and are wondering if your nutrition is to blame, contact the office of Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX panhandle at (806) 322-3338 to schedule a consultation.