5 Summer Foot Care Tips for Diabetics

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Come summer, most of us look forward to walking on the beach with no shoes or wearing sandals and flip-flops. But for diabetics, who in many cases have nerve damage and poor circulation in their feet, seemingly simple activities like these can be dangerous. So today, Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX panhandle are sharing their summer foot care tips for diabetics.

1. Examine your feet each day. It’s important for diabetics to examine their feet before you put your shoes on and after you remove them. Check your heel, in your shoe, and between your toes for any debris. Something as tiny as a pebble can cause discomfort and, in some cases, infection.

2. Choose the right socks and shoes. Your shoes should fit perfectly because if they’re too small they can cause calluses and blisters. If some time has passed since you’ve had a fitting or you’re not sure what your correct size is, ask for your feet to be measured. And when purchasing socks, choose those that are thick, soft, and seamless.  

3. Don’t walk barefoot. While it can be tempting to walk through the sand without shoes, broken glass, ocean debris, and seashells can puncture the skin on your feet, and in some cases, lead to infection. Hot sidewalks can also cause burns on your feet, so it’s best to wear shoes whenever you’re outside.

4. Keep toenails trimmed. They should be cut straight across and the edges or they should be filed.

5. Apply lotion regularly. Particularly in the summer, it’s easy for the skin on your feet to dry out. When that happens, apply a thin coat of lotion on the bottom and top of your feet, but not between your toes as excess moisture there can lead to a fungal infection.

For diabetics, regular appointments with your podiatrist are imperative because, during summer, your feet are at a higher risk for fungal infections. Scheduling an appointment with your podiatrist at least one time during the summer months can ensure your feet are as healthy as possible.

Follow these tips from Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX and you’ll enjoy happy and healthy feet all summer long. If you do develop any issues, contact us immediately at (806) 322-3338.