6 Strategies for National Foot Health Awareness Month

Foot care is self-care, and wellness starts from the ground up! April is National Foot Health Awareness Month, so there’s no better time to acknowledge the importance of a little well-earned TLC and support.

The team at Amarillo Foot Specialists is here to help! This blog is all about key strategies for preventing problems and maintaining overall health. Let’s get to it!

Steps in the Right Direction

Did you know that according to the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), a staggering 20% of Americans experience at least one foot problem each year? The solutions below can help you avoid being a part of that statistic.

Keep an Eye on Your Feet and Ankles 

Get in the habit of inspecting your feet daily for any cracks, blisters, discoloration, or changes in nail appearance. This is especially important for diabetics, who are more susceptible to foot ulcers and infections. Use a mirror to see the soles of your feet clearly.

Pamper and Primp

Washing your feet daily with warm water and soap, followed by thorough drying, especially between the toes, is essential. Moisturize regularly to prevent dry, cracked skin.

Choose the Right Shoes

Invest in supportive, well-fitting shoes with good arch support and adequate cushioning. Replace worn-out shoes regularly, as they lose their shock-absorbing ability.

Sock Selection

Choose moisture-wicking socks made from natural fibers like cotton or wool. Avoid tight-fitting socks that can restrict circulation.

Trim Time

Maintain proper nail care by trimming toenails straight across and avoiding cutting them too short. This helps prevent painful ingrown toenails.

Listen to Your Feet

Persistent pain, numbness, tingling, or swelling can be signs of underlying conditions. Schedule a visit with a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

A Podiatrist Can Always Help!

Clearly, there are plenty of steps you can take toward better podiatric health on your own. Yet the best way to ensure it is straightforward: Check in with a foot and ankle specialist! No one else has the expertise and tools to ensure that your lower extremities are in top-notch condition, so be sure to check in soon.

Contact Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in Amarillo, TX, at (806) 322-3338 today to schedule a consultation! We look forward to seeing you.