6 Ways to Avoid Plantar Warts This Summer

It’s summertime and switching from wearing closed-toe shoes to flip-flops and sandals puts our feet out in open. Healthy feet are vital for enjoying the season to its fullest. If you’ll be doing a lot of outdoor activities, your feet will need some extra care. And that care includes protecting against plantar warts on your feet. Because July is Wart Awareness Month, in today’s post, Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX panhandle are sharing 6 ways you can prevent these embarrassing warts.

Plantar warts occur when a virus infects the outer layer of the skin on the bottom of your feet. It initially appears as a scaly patch on the skin with small dark spots.

They can be quite painful when irritated by doing physical activities. Excessive pressure on the skin of the feet often causes calluses to develop, covering the wart. As a result, plantar warts are often mistakenly thought to be a painful callus or corn. 

HPV can infect the skin through a small cut on the sole of your foot. The virus can remain alive on warm, damp surfaces such as in the bathtub, shower stall, swimming pool, or changing rooms.

People are at an elevated risk for plantar warts if they have very sweaty feet, have cracks in the feet, or go barefoot. While some warts heal themselves, persistent or painful ones require treatment to prevent the spread of them to other areas of the body or to other family members. 

6 Ways to Prevent Plantar Warts 

Basic foot hygiene is vital for preventing plantar warts; below are some ways to help keep your feet free of warts. 

  1. Change your socks each day and cleanse the insides of your shoes frequently.

  2. Dry your feet completely after showering or bathing.

  3. Clean your bathtub/shower frequently.

  4. Always wear clean, dry socks and shoes.

  5. Avoid sharing towels, socks, or shoes.

  6. Avoid going barefoot.

Don’t hesitate – if you think you may have a plantar wart - contact the office of Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in Amarillo, TX, at (806) 322-3338 to schedule a consultation.