Improve Fall Safety with These 4 Tips

According to the CDC, nearly one in three adults aged 65+ fall each year. And your risk of falling is higher as you get older. While many falls don’t cause serious injuries, they remain a common cause of hip fractures and traumatic brain injuries. Because this is National Falls Prevention Month, today, Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX, panhandle are sharing ways to reduce your risk of falling.

Although falls are a danger for seniors, they aren’t an unavoidable part of aging. Some simple precautions can decrease your fall risk before an injury occurs.

1. Be on the lookout for warning signs: Falls rarely occur without warning. People often begin showing signs of balance, frailty, or instability issues. If you have concerns or questions, speak to your doctor. Warning signs include vision problems, medication side effects, and unsteadiness walking.

2. Remain active: This is the easiest way to reduce your risk of falling. Beginning in midlife, people should maintain regular activity to preserve leg strength and core muscle. It’s imperative that you stay mobile and not adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Instead of participating in vigorous exercise, choose activities you enjoy, such as yoga or walking.

3. Eliminate risks in the home: The secret to staying in your home is recognizing and adjusting to limitations. Instead of improving their surroundings, many seniors become afraid and reduce their personal space even before they fall. This decrease in activity elevates the risk of falling and has psychological risks. The most common risk areas in the home include the bathroom, uneven stairs and floors, the kitchen, areas with low light, and rugs.

4. Report a fall: Being honest and open about your fall is crucial to your long-term safety. Because many people think falling indicates a decline in their health, they don’t mention it to anyone so they won’t have to move out of their homes. If you don’t discuss your fall, your doctor won’t be able to understand the circumstances surrounding it. This increases the chance of another, possibly more serious fall. Your doctor will help you take the necessary steps to live your life fully.

If you have any questions or concerns about falling, contact the office of Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in Amarillo, TX, at (806) 322-3338 today to schedule a consultation.