Prevent Sports Injuries in Children with These 9 Tips

With more organized activities today, kids are playing their favorite sport year-round. However, more time on the field brings a higher risk of experiencing sports-related injuries. Because we observe National Youth Sports Week this month, Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in the Amarillo, TX, panhandle share 9 tips to keep your child in the game.

Here are 9 Tips to Prevent Sports Injuries in Children.

1. Encourage a variety of sports: Athletes need to change the activities or sports they’re participating in so they are not constantly stressing the same joints and muscles.

2. Talk with your athlete: Make sure your young child understands that they should tell you and seek help if experiencing something that doesn’t feel right.

3. Make sure they rest: Athletes of all ages must rest between games, practices, and events. Muscle fatigue and a lack of sleep put your athlete at risk for injury. The most common injuries we see in young athletes result from too many sports and insufficient rest.

4. Make sure they stretch and warm up: Stretching should become a habit for all athletes before beginning an activity. Stretches and toe touches are static, while stretches and jumping jacks are dynamic.

5. Stress the importance of hydration: Heat-related sickness is a real concern, especially during hot, humid days. Parents should provide their children with adequate water before, during, and after play and watch for signs of overheating.

6. Provide a well-balanced diet: Athletes must eat a well-balanced diet of vegetables, lean proteins, and fruit and eating regularly.

7. Use the right equipment: Protective equipment, like pads, shoes, and helmets, is crucial for injury prevention. Parents should speak with coaches to make sure their children are properly outfitted.

8. Emphasize guidelines and proper technique: In every sport, there is a right way and a wrong way of doing things. Parents often claim to follow the guidelines “except for that one time.” Unfortunately, that one time is all it takes for an injury to occur.

9. Spot injury and seek help early: Many young athletes with serious injuries don’t want to tell anyone or do anything about them. They need to see a doctor earlier to prevent the injury from worsening. Athletes will often change how they do things because of pain but end up with a more serious injury.

If your child is injured or you have questions about preventing sports injuries in your children, contact the office of Dr. Mark Thompson and Dr. Brandon Holloway of Amarillo Foot Specialists located in Amarillo, TX, at (806) 322-3338 today to schedule a consultation.